Today was a bit of a downer, because we read Chapter 10 of Ekeko, which reveals that Nicolas is cruel and mean because his father is cruel and mean.
I didn't want to do anything "fun" - no games or acting that might cheapen the serious issues and emotions of the story. So, today I just read aloud while the students listened and followed along. We did pause fairly often to circle the text with comprehension questions, and this chapter provided an excellent springboard for PQA. Our focus was "¿Qué puedes hacer?" and the students brainstormed what you can do for someone who is having a tough time, like Nicolas.
One or two students came up with jokey answers, but for the most part the kids took it seriously and suggested kind things, like "Puedes invitarle a la casa" and "Puedes dar los regalos a la persona." Several kids suggested that Paco should find the Ekeko and give it to Nicolas.
Although the chapter was a downer, the kids were really engaged today. I think some of them enjoyed the more serious tone (and they're middle-schoolers, so they love drama).
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