Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Ekeko - Day 3

Today, we explored El Alto in a little more depth by watching the short video included in the teacher's guide and then discussing. The students were amazed by the amount of traffic and car horns. They were also interested in the locals' clothing, the stray dogs, the shops in the background, the number of taxi cabs... it's a whole new world for them!

As a follow-up from yesterday, I showed students the Bolivian currency and briefly explained who the people were on each of the bills. The file with these pictures is available here: Bolivian Currency

After a few minutes of discussion, I passed out bookmarks (about 1/3 of a sheet of paper) with the Ch. 2 comprehension questions from the TG printed on them in Spanish. I instructed students to form pairs and read Chapter 2 aloud in Spanish, pausing on every page at least once to discuss the comprehension questions with their partner. If they focused and spoke in Spanish as much as they could, they did not have to write anything down, but if they had side conversations in English, they would have to write ALL the questions and answers on notebook paper. This worked swimmingly. I was really impressed with the students' ability to stay in the target language, using English only to clarify meaning with their partner.

1 comment:

  1. I have the teacher's guide. I'm not seeing the video you mention. On what page can I find the link?
